"Oh, and I almost forgot, you can wear a maid's cap only after you graduate. During your training you are to wear this white, small bow in your hair at all times. Right here on top." She put it in John's hair and it made him feel very feminine. When he looked in the mirror as soon as he was alone, he saw however, that it looked ridiculous on him. It might be good for a teenager or a cute little girl, but it sure did not do a thing for him. He pulled it out on impulse, and as soon as he had done it he was sorry.

Miss Betty seemed like a nice person and this was no way for John to act. He tried to put it back in his hair but his untrained hands just could not manage it properly. He started to unpack and was barely finished when Miss Betty entered again.

"I want you to start practising tying your apron strings right now, until you can make an attractive bow." She pulled off the apron and made him tie it at least 15 times, until he somehow seemed to get the hang of it a little better.

"Here is your daily schedule. I'll hang it on the wall so you can study it later. Right now, you are late already. Follow me to the kitchen," she ordered.

There, John was introduced to the cook. John saw a woman at least 65 years old, overweight as most cooks are, and very slow in her movements. She had a kindly face with a ready smile and small blinking eyes. Her hair was white and she was wearing a blue uniform with a very large white coverall over it. "This is Miss Mary, and you will be calling her 'Mistress' also. She is your cooking teacher. There is also a chauffeur in this household and a gardener. Jim and William. These men know nothing about your background and you are expected to behave completely like a girl. You will be severely punished if you raise any suspicion with them so you'd better make sure to watch yourself at all times. You will be serving them their meals in the pantry every day. You will call them Mister Jim and Mister William, and you are not to encourage any familiarities."

Miss Betty left John in the kitchen where the cook put him to work, cleaning the breakfast dishes and pots and pans and some general cleaning. "I see you have some experience, Jill, in housework. That's fine, I like an efficient worker. I am sure we will get along very well." John smiled gratefully at these first kind words he had heard today. He blushed and did his best to work even harder to please Miss Mary.

It was close to lunch time and Miss Mary said to John, "You'd better get dressed for lunch. Hurry up. You only have 15 minutes." John went back to his room and studied his daily schedule posted there by Miss Betty. He was shocked at the full schedule. He saw that in addition to the time and place it also gave the name of his teacher to whom he was to report each session, as well as what


he was to wear. "Well, I'll study the whole thing later, right now I'd better look at what it says for 12 o'clock."

"Set the luncheon table and serve luncheon," it said. "Green uniform, with white apron." So John quickly changed uniforms. He found that the green one fitted him perfectly. It was just the right length but just a little tight at the waist. He put on the apron which apparently matched this uniform as it had green trimming all around. He looked in the mirror and straightened his curls and tried to push the little ribbon in place. As he was doing this, Miss Betty came in. "Hurry up, you're late for lunch! What the dickens did you do with your hair ribbon?"

"It came off by accident," explained John.

"All right, put it back on. No, not that way!" and she showed John how to do it properly so it fastened tightly to his hair. Then she pulled it out again and made John do it ten times so that finally he could do it himself.

Miss Betty marched him to the dining room and showed John quickly where all the things were to set the table. She watched him do a reasonably correct job, although she had to make many corrections. Apparently, everything had to be just so and John flushed when Miss Betty became impatient and hit him hard on the fingers when he misplaced the napkins.

Just when everything was in readiness, another lady came in. Miss Betty introduced John as the "new girl." This woman had a harsh and haughty look. Her face seemed unaccustomed to smiling, was willful, strong and anything but beautiful. This was Miss Clara. "Doesn't he know enough yet to curtsey properly?" she asked. John blushed. That was something new and he nervously attempted it and promptly fell over. He felt ridiculous and his face became scarlet. He got to his feet and stood there silently looking at Miss Clara. She said, "I am in charge of your physical education, discipline and correction as well as your teacher in feminine behavior movements and obedience. You will report to the gym at 3 o'clock. And don't be late!" With that the ladies sat down and presently Dr. Hepstein came in. John went to the kitchen in order to get the first course. After a while, he returned with a large tray and carefully presented it to his mistresses. He was harshly reprimanded, howwhen he misjudged the pecking order in this household. First, Miss Clara had to be served, then Dr. Hepstein and then Miss Betty. Apparently, Miss Clara dominated everyone else in the house.


The rest of the lunch was uneventful, although John was very nervous while serving for fear that he might spill something. When lunch was finished, the women left the room and Miss Betty remarked over her shoulder that the table should be cleared without delay and luncheon served to the other people in the household.